Dare to stand out
London, England
Why are we so afraid to stand out?
Be unique.
Be who you are meant to be.
Celebrate the inner you.
Those are the messages of our society. However, look around you. For the most part, people look, dress and talk like each other. People have a profound need to blend in. No one wants to be rejected for being different.
I often wonder how different society would be if teens and young adults had the confidence that develops later in life. Often the things that are most successful are the times when someone dared to try something just a little different. Our need for acceptance can become a driving force in life.
People desire meaningful relationships and believe that if they blend in they are more likely to find intimacy and love. I know in my experience, when I have dared to stand out, I am respected for that.
You don’t need to be offensive and brazen to be your unique self.
You just need to figure out who you are and own it.
The world responds to authenticity.
Why do you think we are we so afraid to stand out?