Build a motivated team
London, England
Align your team to accomplish goals together
Entrepreneurial leaders are highly motivated and driven to fulfill their mission and calling. They explore multiple ways to accomplish their goals and do so in a passionate way. It won’t work is not a term that is in their vocabulary. If an entrepreneurial leader is clear of a direction, they vigorously pursue it. These leaders surround themselves with people who will help them accomplish their goal.
Not everyone is a "blank paper person"
Many entrepreneurs are "blank paper people" and they enjoy creating something out of nothing. However, there are many who people need a framework and reason to align with someone else’s goals. They are not necessarily the “blank paper people”. They are often more than willing to commit to a role and to help accomplish a corporate vision and are willing to lead towards that goal, they need motivation.
Much of that will come within, but unless a leader empowers the leaders who work with them, the vision and passion will begin to wane.
Personal leadership motivation
I’m a highly motivated person. I commit to things that I can become passionate about. I have a strong belief, which is also an Iconium value, that work is fun. When people love what they do, motivation and drive increases greatly. I’m committed to increasing and inspiring motivation in the people I have the opportunity to lead.
Rewarding leaders
Leaders need to be affirmed and recognized. It’s important to know what it is that communicates that to each person. People vary in whether they are publicly or privately affirmation and whether with words or gifts. It’s important to know the team members and what speaks to them individually.
Annual incentive
It’s of value for leaders to have an annual incentive plan to work towards. For them to see that their contribution towards success results in a bonus is significant.
Long-term incentives
It’s challenging with a start-up to think in terms of long-term incentives, however, it is key to begin conversations and thought processes. It’s important to answer the why for a leader as to whether they would stay for the long haul.
Executive coaching and leadership development
Leadership development through training and experience is a gift that can be given to every person on the team. This needs to happen deliberately and intentionally. There needs to be room in the budget to accommodate this type of development. It can be done in a way that it is a highly incentivized perk for staff.