God uses my faith to perform miracles
Reykjavik, Iceland
I choose faith.
I believe.
The impossible is possible!
Miracles still happen. God wants to break the bondage of my disbelief and show His power through His works. He is then honoured and glorified. He calls me to seek Him in His name and as I do, He shows me what to believe in and pray for. He wants me to stay the course with my faith through prayer. He then will fill to capacity that what He has shown me to believe in and to pray for.
"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." (John 15:7)I was speaking to Keith Seabourne of Cru recently. He shared with me that faith requires building God-sized systems.
My responsibility is to prepare and realize that I have no control over God’s blessing. God tends to bless those who prepare to receive his blessings. The oil flowed till last jar was full, Peter, while in the boat was collecting fish until his boat filled up and then Andrew came with his boat. The fish ceased when there were no more boats. (Luke 5:3-11) God tends to bless us until whatever we have built is full. Keith then said, “We need to seek God for what we think we can handle and then ask the God of the universe, “would you do this?” Then we need to prepare for what we believe He wants us to do and ask Him, “will you fill it?””
Our responsibility is to build the capacity – and see if God will fill it up.
As we walk in deep communion with God, we learn to hear His voice. We may wonder how we can walk with Him in that way. It's easy to think that these kinds of things only happen to the "super saints". In recent months, I've come to know God in a whole new way. I've realized that instead of waiting to see what He will do, He wants me to engage deeply with Him. He wants me to pray for the things He is prompting me for and He wants to be lifted up through these miracles. I need to seek Him and ask Him what to pray for. It often starts as a quiet "sense"". I talk with people I trust who confirm this and I seek God's Word for further direction. When all of those things come together, I pray fervently towards the impossible coming to fruition.
Then, I begin to prepare for that miracle to happen.I pray, I believe, and I don't give up even when the enemy begins to interfere. There is no doubt that He will. He does not want to see God's miracles happen. He will distort things, try to disrupt and do everything to hinder your faith and the outcome God is wanting to do.
God is greater than he is. I claim the authority of Christ and ask God to fully take control.It's time to ask God what kind of impossible things He wants to do. Then pray, prepare and praise Him as He reveals His power through the miracle He will to do!