The unexpected
The Spinning Chandelier
Innovation accelerated.
Right became wrong.
Necessities became luxury.
Ordinary became extra-ordinary.
It was the year our world broke. The logic and order by which we lived was completely dismantled. In its wake, there was fear, division, confusion and anger. Our previous normal became grotesquely abnormal as the day-to-day functions we previously lived by became illegal, and possibly threatened lives of people around us.
Beauty of the human soul
In the midst of this, it was often only the ugly stories that made the news, leaving us to think this was all. However, the intrinsic beauty of human-kind revealed itself in powerful and often silent ways. People stopped by doorsteps, leaving acts of kindness. They learned to smile with their eyes as masks became the norm. People reached out to one another demonstrating love and care, knowing we were together in this journey. Families and friends made great efforts to connect digitally and safe-distancing as they followed the guidelines. Medical workers became appreciated like never before. Shutdowns resulted in people showing compassion to those hit hardest. Our understanding of community took on a new meaning.
Courage that dispels fear
For me, it was a year of growth. I developed an inner strength as I chose courage over fear. Small things became meaningful. People mattered more. I embraced thankfulness and often watched it vanquish the fear. There is so much I’m thankful for. It was a year that long-time friendships became richer, new friendships started in a deeper place, health and wellbeing took on a new perspective. Our family grew as we added a precious new grandson, Fletcher. Facetime became a precious window to connect with our kids and grandkids.
This past year brought with it a new season for Cam and I as we became empty-nesters. This meant spending a lot of time as just the two of us (though Kaylin will sometimes join us over FaceTime just to hang out). We are enjoying the quiet of being together, but also the joy of simple dates and long walks.
Love happens
in the small moments
Especially when surrounded by books and coffee.
As a small business owner, the fear I faced in March was tremendous. We were on a growing trajectory and suddenly all plans were unknown. I recall the day I realized that my plans could only be for the next few hours, where an hour felt like a day, a day became a week and a week a month. How was I to continue forward? The clarity for me became in knowing this was all bigger than me. I needed to trust in God, who would walk alongside me down this road. I would do my best, build my team and work tirelessly to do every task we had in a way that mattered greatly. We pivoted. We shifted our focus. We changed how we worked. We are in the communications business. We can help others go digital. We can be their voice to the many. This is our task. This is what we do, every day.
The future is unknown. Somehow in days before 2020, we thought we knew what was ahead. The truth is, we have never known. We walk in faith. We will have hard times, and we will make it through them. In it, we find the people who journey with us. We express our thanks. We find the absurd beauty in the darkness - even if it is something as ridiculous as a 4.8 million dollar elegant chandelier fit for Versailles under a dirty bridge.
There is always unexpected beauty. Somewhere.
Thank you 2020 for yours.
Let’s do this together.